Table of Contents
Every shipment in the Shippabo platform features an activity log, which provides a comprehensive and streamlined view of your shipment's progress. This log allows you to observe the entire process holistically or focus on specific categories, depending on the information you require. This real-time visibility ensures that you remain informed and in control of your shipment at every stage of the journey.
Once you open up the specific shipment you’d like to view, select Activities from your shipment navigation bar on the left.
By default, the activity log displays "All activities," offering a quick glance at every action occurring within your shipment, organized chronologically by date. This comprehensive view enables efficient tracking and monitoring of your shipment's progression in real-time.
Filtering your Activity Log
In the activity log, you'll find several subsets of activity types to choose from. Clicking on any of these categories will automatically apply specific filters to your view, instantly updating the displayed information according to the selected category. This feature allows for a more focused and customized insight into the aspects of your shipment that interest you the most.
You have the option to search a specific activity type or key word via the magnifying glass search bar.
If you would like to customize your activity view even further, you can press on the “Filters” button and choose specific activity filters to apply.
Additionally, you can filter activities by "Account Name," enabling you to easily view actions carried out by a specific user. This option further enhances the customization and tracking capabilities of the platform, allowing for increased visibility and efficient monitoring of individual user actions within your shipment process.