Each of your shipments has an automatically updated condition assigned. This reflects the difference between Shippabo's original delivery date prediction and its real-time, constantly updated delivery date prediction. The Delivery Condition gives you an instant snapshot of your shipment status, comparing current performance to the original estimated timeline.
You will see your shipment’s individual condition listed on the navigation bar within the shipment, labeled “Delivery Condition”.
Your delivery condition can be labeled as any of the following:
On Time- Meaning the original prediction is aligned with the current condition
Early- Meaning the real-time prediction is earlier than the original prediction
Delivered- Meaning that an actual delivery date was entered in the platform
Delayed- Meaning the real-time prediction is later than the original prediction
Awaiting POL- Meaning the shipment has not departed the origin port yet
Pressing the I Icon next to your Delivery Condition will give you some more data about what this field is, along with an example.
You can also filter your shipments list by Delivery Condition.