Entering Inland Demurrage & Detention LFD
To enter your container’s last free day for inland demurrage & detention in the platform, you will navigate to the Containers tab of the specific shipment.
Beneath the Container Details, you’ll want to press on Quick View.
From here, select the Inland option.
Press the Edit icon.
This will generate a pop-out which allows you to edit the information. You can add the Demurrage & Detention LFD dates.
Once you’ve added the dates, press Save.
How to Record your Inland Detention or Demurrage through an Itinerary Event
If you select on the + Add Itinerary Event option in the bottom left corner, you will have the ability to record the details of your container incurring demurrage or detention.
You can select the event type, and enter the start & end dates.
Once you press Save, you’ll see the event added to POD tab.